Monday, May 01, 2006

heh heh heh its been a while

yes i know its been over a year, but ive been busy, first of all i started high school. i now go to new urben high school. its an ok school but i still kinda miss full circle and my friends there. alex goes to la salle and i dont see him that much and i really miss him.......... i have made new friends here like julie and michelle (who is a little bit strange) i used to be friends with whitney and ashley but ashley hits me and whitney gets on my nerves (shocking i know) but im fine with julie and michelle (even though michelle does bad stuff) im also in a club sorta thing called dapa. it used to be the dinner party assosation but it was to long so i called it dapa. there used to be like 5 people in it but its better with just julie and me. its now offialy dapa thats the name and thats what its going to stay.i have intresting hobbys like picking on the dum nerds jeff and brady and matchmaking heheheheheheh (im sucsessful so far heheheh) wow this has gotten long but thats a good thing because i rarely ever post any more. right now im in mr. gronvolds u.s history class (im not supposed to be on blogger hehehehehe) im sooooooo bored and guess what!!!!! im gonna get a kitten (my parents are gonna get tricked heheheheh) oh and i got a dog!!! he's a 5 month old golden retriver (pure bred) i named him ira. i got him about 2 months ago breezy